Running Apps and Applets
You can run apps and applets from the command-line using the command dx run
. The inputs to these app(let)s can be from any project for which you have VIEW access. Or run from UI.
Running in Interactive Mode
If dx run
is run without specifying any inputs, interactive mode will be launched. When you run this command, the platform prompts you for each required input, followed by a prompt to set any optional parameters. As shown below using the BWA-MEM FASTQ Read Mapper app (platform login required to access this link), after you are done entering inputs, you must confirm that you want the applet/app to be run with the inputs you have selected.
Running in Non-interactive Mode
Naming Each Input
You can also specify each input parameter by name using the ‑i
or ‑‑input
flags with syntax ‑i<input name>=<input value>
. Names of data objects in your project will be resolved to the appropriate IDs and packaged correctly for the API method as shown below.
When specifying input parameters using the ‑i/‑‑input
flag, you must use the input field names (not to be confused with their human-readable labels). To look up the input field names for an app, applet, or workflow, you can run the command dx run app(let)-xxxx -h
, as shown below using the Swiss Army Knife app (platform login required to access this link).
The help message describes the inputs and outputs of the app, their types, and how to identify them when running the app from the command line. For example, from the above help message, we learn that the Swiss Army Knife app has two primary inputs: one or more file and a string to be executed on the command line, to be specified as -iin=file-xxxx
and icmd=<string>
, respectively.
The example below shows you how to run the same Swiss Army Knife app to sort a small BAM file using these inputs.
Specifying Array Input
To specify array inputs, reuse the ‑i/‑‑input
flag for each input in the array and each file specified will be appended into an array in same order as it was entered on the command line. Below is an example of how to use the Swiss Army Knife app to index multiple BAM files (platform login required to access this link).
Job-Based Object References (JBORs)
Job-based object references (JBORs) can also be provided using the -i
flag with syntax ‑i<input name>=<job id>:<output name>
. Combined with the --brief
flag (which allows dx run
to output just the job ID) and the -y
flag (to skip confirmation), you can string together two jobs using one command.
Below is an example of how to run the BWA-MEM FASTQ Read Mapper app (platform login required to access this link), producing the output named "sorted_bam" as described in the app's helpstring by executing the command dx run app-bwa_mem_fastq_read_mapper -h
. The "sorted_bam" output will then be used as input for the Swiss Army Knife app (platform login required to access this link).
Advanced Options
Some examples of additional functionalities provided by dx run
are listed below.
Quiet Output
Regardless of whether you run a job interactively or non-interactively, the command dx run
will always print the exact input JSON with which it is calling the applet or app. If you don't want to print this verbose output, you can use the --brief
flag which tells dx
to print out only the job ID instead. This job ID can then be saved.
TIP: When running jobs, you can use the
option to bypass the prompts asking you to confirm running the job and whether or not you want to watch the job. This is useful for scripting jobs. If you want to confirm running the job and immediately start watching the job, you can use-y --watch
Rerunning a Job With the Same Settings
If you are debugging applet-xxxx and wish to rerun a job you previously ran, using the same settings (destination project and folder, inputs, instance type requests), but use a new executable applet-yyyy, you can use the --clone
In the above command, the command overrides the --clone job-xxxx
command to use the executable Swiss Army Knife app (platform login required to access this link) rather than that used by the job.
If you want to modify some but not all settings from the previous job, you can simply run dx run <executable> --clone job-xxxx [options]
. The command-line arguments you provide in [options]
will override the settings reused from --clone
. For example, this is useful if you want to rerun a job with the same executable and inputs but a different instance type, or if you want to run an executable with the same settings but slightly different inputs.
The example shown below redirects the outputs of the job to the folder "outputs/".
While the --clone job-xxxx
flag will copy the applet, instance type, and inputs, it will not copy usage of the --allow-ssh
or --debug-on
flags. These will have to be re-specified for each job run. For more information, see the Connecting to Jobs page.
Specifying the Job Output Folder
The --destination
flag allows you to specify the full project-ID:/folder/
path in which to output the results of the app(let). If this flag is unspecified, the output of the job will default to the present working directory, which can be determined by running dx pwd
In the above command, the flag --destination project-xxxx:/mappings
instructs the job to output all results into the "mappings" folder of project-xxxx.
Specifying a Different Instance Type
The dx run --instance-type
command allows you to specify the instance type(s) to be used for the job. More information can be found by running the command dx run --instance-type-help
Some apps and applets have multiple entry points, meaning that different instance types can be specified for different functions executed by the app(let). In the example below, we run the Parliament app (platform login required to access this link) while specifying the instance types for the entry points "honey," "ssake," "ssake_insert," and "main." Specifying the instance types for each entry point requires a JSON-like string, meaning that the string should be wrapped in single quotes, as explained earlier, and demonstrated below.
Adding Metadata to a Job
If you are running many jobs that have varying purposes, you can organize the jobs using metadata. There are two types of metadata on the DNAnexus platform: properties and tags.
Properties are key-value pairs that can be attached to any object on the platform, whereas tags are strings associated with objects on the platform. The --property
flag allows you to attach a property to a job, and the --tag
flag allows you to tag a job.
Adding metadata to executions does not affect the metadata of the executions' output files. Metadata on jobs make it easier for you to search for a particular job in your job history (e.g., if you wanted to tag all jobs run with a particular sample).
Specifying an App Version
If your current workflow is not using the most up-to-date version of an app, you can specify an older version when running your job by appending the app name with the version required, e.g. app-xxx/0.0.1 if the current version is app-xxx/1.0.0.
Watching a Job
If you would like to keep an eye on your job as it runs, you can use the --watch
flag to ask the job to print its logs in your terminal window as it progresses.
Providing Input JSON
You can also specify the input JSON in its entirety. To specify a data object, you must wrap it in DNAnexus link form (a key-value pair with a key of "$dnanexus_link" and value of the data object's ID). Because you are already providing the JSON in its entirety, as long as the applet/app ID can be resolved and the JSON can be parsed, you will not be prompted to confirm before the job is started. There are three methods for entering the full input JSON, which we discuss in separate sections below.
From the CLI
If using the CLI to enter the full input JSON, you must use the flag ‑j/‑‑input‑json
followed by the JSON in single quotes. Only single quotes should be used to wrap the JSON to avoid interfering with the double quotes used by the JSON itself.
From a File
If using a file to enter the input JSON, you must use the flag ‑f/‑‑input‑json‑file
followed by the name of the JSON file.
From stdin
Entering the input JSON file using stdin is done in much the same way as entering the file using the -f
flag with the small substitution of using "-"as the filename. Below is an example that demonstrates how to echo the input JSON to stdin and pipe the output to the input of dx run
. As before, single quotes should be used to wrap the JSON input to avoid interfering with the double quotes used by the JSON itself.
Getting Additional Information on dx run
Executing the dx run --help
command will show all of the flags available to use in conjunction with dx run
. The message printed by this command is identical to the one displayed in the brief description of dx run
Cost Run Limits
The --cost-limit cost_limit
sets the maximum cost of the job before termination. In case of workflows it is cost of the entire analysis job. For batch run, this limit is applied per job. See the dx run --help
command for more information.
Job Runtime Limits
On the DNAnexus Platform, jobs are limited to a runtime of 30 days. Jobs running longer than 30 days will be automatically terminated.
Last updated
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