Learn how to set up billing for your account, so you can run analyses, as well as store and egress data. Increase your account's spending limit, view past transactions, and more.
Users can set up a personal billing account to pay for any charges they incur when running analyses, storing data on the DNAnexus Platform, or egressing data from the Platform. Note that a user needs to have a valid form of billing in order to be able to run these analyses.
Setting Up Billing
Org Billing
To set up billing, or change billing settings, for an org that is tied to an contract order, contact DNAnexus Billing.
Personal Billing
To set up automatic billing for your personal account using a credit card, you will need to first set up billing from within your user profile on the Platform.
Note that Billing Portal accounts are separate from DNAnexus Platform accounts. Each uses an independent username and password. Before you can access the Billing Portal, you must first set up billing on the DNAnexus Platform.
Accessing Billing Information
Setting up Billing for a Personal Account
To set up personal billing from the DNAnexus Platform, click on your avatar at the far right end of the main Platform menu, then select Billing from the dropdown menu.
Locate the tile for the account for which you want to set up billing. Click on the arrow at the bottom right of the tile. Then follow the instructions to set up billing. A pane will open showing billing details for the account. Click the Set Up Billing button.
You will be taken to the DNAnexus Billing Portal Getting Started page. Follow the instructions to add your billing information. As noted above, the Billing Portal account you will create is separate from your DNAnexus Platform account.
At the Account step, enter your account details. The "Org ID" and "Billing Account Name" fields will be automatically populated. At this step, you’ll create a password that you will use to access the Billing Portal in the future.
Once you reach the Billing step, enter your billing address and payment method. Adding a credit card will set up autopay to cover monthly Platform charges. If you have a voucher code, enter the voucher code, rather than a credit card number, on the Payment Method page.
Review your billing details and correct any errors. Then click Set Up Billing.
After your payment method has been successfully verified, you can return to the Platform and resume your work. Click Return to DNAnexus. On returning to the Platform, you’ll see the authorized funds available for use in your billing account.
Logging Into Your Billing Portal Account
Once you've set up billing, you can update your billing and payment information directly on the Billing Portal. Remember that you'll need to log in using your Billing Portal username and password.
After logging in, you will be taken to your billing Overview page.
Updating Your Account Details
To add or update a payment method, go to the Payment Methods section under the Settings tab. Note that you can delete a payment method if you're no longer using it.
If you added a new payment method here, be aware that it will not automatically be used by your billing account. To assign it to your billing account, return to the Subscriptions (Billing Accts) menu under the Billing tab. Select the billing account you'd like to update, use the dropdown options to change the payment method used for the account, then click Submit. This change will be applied on your next invoice.
Monthly Invoices
Each month, users with a billing account receive an invoice for Platform usage charges incurred during the preceding month. For users who have set up autopay using a credit card, these invoices are paid automatically.
Linking Multiple Billing Accounts to a Single Billing Portal Account
Once you have set up a Billing Portal account, you can use it to set up billing for multiple billing accounts, provided all are linked to the same email address. This includes both DNAnexus Platform and Research Analysis Platform billing accounts.
To link an additional Platform or Research Analysis Platform billing account to an existing Billing Portal account, follow the steps outlined above, clicking the Set Up Billing button in the tile showing details for the billing account in question.
Increasing Your Spending Limit
Spending limits can only be increased for billing accounts that are paid via credit card.
In the Billing section of the left-side menu on the Billing Portal, click on Subscriptions (Billing Accts).
Select the account whose spending limit you'd like to increase.
Click the Increase Spending Limit button.
Fill out required fields, then click Submit Request.
If you have a positive and consistent billing history, you will be granted a spending limit increase immediately.
You will receive an email confirming the spend limit increase.
Viewing Invoices
Open the Billing section of the left-side menu on the Billing Portal, then click Invoices. Invoices can be searched by status, which can be either "Open" or "Paid."
Select Open to see detail on invoices that have not yet been paid, for all billing accounts linked to your Billing Portal account. Note that if you're an autopay customer using a credit card, the "Balance Due" will revert to zero after a credit card payment is applied against any outstanding charges.
Viewing Your Transaction History
Open the Billing section of the left-side menu on the Billing Portal, then click Transaction History. Select a date range to see detail on all transactions for all billing accounts linked to your Billing Portal account, between those dates.
Viewing Your Billing History
Open the Billing section of the left-side menu on the Billing Portal, then click Statements. Select a Statement Date. This will include, in your statement, detail on all transactions for all billing accounts linked to your Billing Portal account, up to and including that date. Optionally, enter a Start Date, to include only transactions occurring on or after that date.
If you want a single consolidated statement covering all billing accounts, check the Consolidated Statement box. To see only detail on open transactions, check the Show only Open Transactions box.
To generate a PDF statement, click Print Statement. To receive a statement by email, click Email.
Managing Billing Portal Settings
Updating Your Profile
Open the Settings section of the left-side menu on the Billing Portal, then click Profile Information. On the Profile information screen, you can update your profile information, with the exception of the email address linked to your Billing Portal account. To update this email address, contact DNAnexus Support.
Adding Emails for Invoicing
Open the Settings section of the left-side menu on the Billing Portal, then click Profile Information. In the Billing Account section of the Profile Information screen, enter the email address of anyone who should receive a copy of invoices for the account. You can also remove the email address of anyone who should no longer receive invoice copies.
Note that invoice copy recipients will not be able to access your Billing Portal account.
Enforcing Monthly Spending Limits
Licenses are required for both the Monthly Project Compute and Egress Spending Limit feature, and the Monthly Project Storage Spending Limit feature. Contact DNAnexus Sales for more information.
The Enforcing Monthly Spending Limit for Computing and Egress feature allows project admins to set separate project-level monthly spending limits for compute usage and data egress. The Monthly Project Storage Spending Limit feature allows project admins to set project-level monthly spending limits for storage.
These features enable project admins to ensure that projects stay within budget and prevent unexpected charges.
Org admins can define the org default values for projects within the org. Only org admins can change these org-level default settings. An org's default project spending limits specify the initial default limit values for all new projects linked to an org. Note that these default limits do not apply retroactively to existing projects linked to an org.
At a project level, both org admins and project admins can set and update limits. Org admins can set limits for a project linked to the org, without being a member of that project. There are no restrictions on the spending limit values that org admins can set for projects linked to their orgs.
A project admin can change project spending limits, but is constrained in doing so by applicable limits set by the admin of the org to which the project is linked. These limits can include org default limits, org admin-set limits for the project in question, or both. The lowest of these, for a particular project, defines the upper bound of any spending limit set by the project admin.
Project members receive email notifications when project charges approach the monthly spending limit for the project. The notification threshold is set by project admins. Project members receive another email notification once project charges have reached the monthly spending limit for the project.
Compute and Storage Charges Incurred by Using Relational Database Clusters
Note that monthly project compute limits do not apply to compute and storage charges incurred by using relational database clusters.
Charges for Using Public IPv4 Addresses for Compute Workers
There is a charge for using public IPv4 addresses for workers used for compute. These charges count toward compute charge limits, and are part of the total cost figure for a job that incurs them. See this documentation for information on how to find the per-hour charge for using IPv4 addresses, in each cloud region in which org members can run executions.
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