You can perform advanced filtering on projects, data objects, and jobs using the filter bars above the table of results. This feature is displayed at the top of the Monitor tab but is hidden by default on the Manage tab and Projects page. You can display or hide the filter bar by toggling the filters icon in the top right corner.
The filter bar lets you to specify different criteria on which to filter your data. You can combine several different filters for greater control over your results.
To use this feature, first choose the field you want to filter your data by, then enter your filter criteria (e.g. select the "Name" filter then search for "NA12878"). The filter will usually be activated when you press or when you click outside of the filter bar.
Filtering Projects
The following filters are available for projects, and can be added by selecting them from the "Filters" dropdown menu.
Billed to: The user or org ID that the project is billed to, e.g. "user-xxxx" or "org-xxxx". NOTE: When you are viewing a partner organization's projects, the "Billed to" field will be fixed to the org ID.
Project Name: Search by case insensitive string or regex, e.g. "Example" or "exam$" will both match "Example Project"
ID: Search by project ID, e.g. "project-xxxx"
Created date: Search by projects created before, after, or between different dates
Modified date: Search by projects modified before, after, or between different dates
Creator: The user ID who created the project, e.g. "user-xxxx"
Shared with member: A user ID with whom the project is shared, e.g. "user-xxxx" or "org-xxxx"
Level: The minimum permission level to the project. The dropdown has the options Viewer+", "Uploader+", "Contributor+", and "Admin only". e.g. "Contributor+" filters projects with access CONTRIBUTOR or ADMINISTER
Tags: Search by tag. The filter bar automatically populates with tags available on projects
Properties: Search by properties. The filter bar automatically provides properties available on projects
Filtering Objects
The following filters are available for objects. Filters listed in italics are not displayed in the filter bar by default but can be added by selecting them from the "Filters" dropdown menu on the right.
Search scope: The default scope is "Entire project", but if you know the location of the object you are looking for, limiting your search scope to "Current Folder" allow syou to search more efficiently.
Object name: Search by case insensitive string or regex, e.g. "NA1" or "bam$" both match "NA12878.bam"
ID: Search by object ID, e.g. "file-xxxx" or "applet-xxxx"
Modified date: Search by objects modified before, after, or between different dates
Class: e.g. "File", "Applet", "Folder"
Types: e.g. "File" or custom Type
Created date: Search by objects created before, after, or between different dates
Tags: Search by tag. The filter bar automatically populates with tags available on objects within the current folder
Properties: Search by properties. The filter bar automatically provides properties available on objects within the current folder
When you filter on anything other than the current folder, you will get results from many different places in the project. The folders is be displayed in a lighter gray font and some actions are be unavailable (such as creating a new workflow or folder), but otherwise functionality remains the same as in the normal data view.
Filtering Jobs and Analyses
The following filters are available for executions. Filters listed in italics are not displayed in the filter bar by default but can be added to the bar by selecting them from the "Filters" dropdown menu on the right.
Search scope: The default displays root executions only, but you can choose to view all executions (root and subjobs) instead
State: e.g. Failed, Waiting, Done, Running, In Progress, Terminated
Name: Search by case-insensitive string or regex, e.g. "BWA" or "MEM$" both match "BWA-MEM". This only matches the name of the job or analysis, not the executable name.
ID: Search by job or analysis ID, e.g. "job-1234" or "analysis-5678"
Created date: Search by executions created before, after, or between different dates
Launched by: Search by the user ID of the user who launched the job. The filter bar automatically populates with users who have run the currently-shown jobs within the project
Tags: Search by tag. The filter bar automatically populates with tags available on the currently-shown executions
Properties: Search by properties. The filter bar automatically provides properties available on executions currently shown within the project
Executable: Search by the ID of executable run by the executions in question (e.g. app-1234 or applet-5678)
Class: e.g. Analysis or Job
Origin Jobs: ID of origin job
Parent Jobs: ID of parent job
Parent Analysis: ID of parent analysis
Root Executions: ID of root execution
Multi-Word Queries in Filters and Searches
When filtering on a name, any spaces are be expanded to include intermediate words. For example, filtering by "b37 build" also returns "b37 dbSNP build".
Filtering by Date
Some filters allow you to specify a date range for your query. For example, the "Created date" filter allows you to specify a beginning time ("From") and/or an end time ("To"). Clicking on the date box opens a calendar widget which allows you to specify a relative time period in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or an absolute time period by specifying a certain date.
If you select a relative time period, you are able to represent it as some amount of time before the current time. For example, if you select "Day" and type in 5, you are setting the datetime to the time 5 days prior to the current time.
Alternatively, you can use the calendar to represent an exact (absolute) datetime.
If you only set the beginning datetime ("From"), the range will automatically be set from the "From" time to the present moment. If you only set the end ("To") datetime, the range will be set from the beginning of time to the "To" time.
Note that if you have a filter saved with a time period defined in relative terms, it is calculated from the current time every time you load the filter. For example, if you have a saved filter showing all items created within the last two hours and you load it at 11am, it shows you everything created since 9am. But if you load it again at 4pm, it shows you everything created since 2pm. If you wanted consistent results when using a saved filter, make sure to specify an absolute datetime using the calendar widget.
Filtering by Tags and Properties
To search by tag, simply enter (or select) the tag(s) you are searching for. For example, if you are searching for all objects with the tag "human", enter human into the filter query box and tick the checkbox next to the tag.
Note that while normal searches on project titles only require you to type in part of the title, searches using the above keywords require the entire value to be typed in, although casing doesn't matter (so for example, a search for HUMAN and human will both find a project with the tag "Human", but Hum will not).
Properties have two parts: a key and a value. You'll be asked to enter each of these when you create a new property. Just like tags, properties allow you to create your own common attributes across multiple projects or items and find them quickly and easily. When searching for a property, you can either search for all items that have that property, or items that have a property with a certain value.
To search for all items that possess a property, regardless of the value of that property, simply select the "Properties" filter (not displayed by default), enter the property key, and click Apply. To search for items that possess a property with a certain value, enter that property's key and value.
Note that the keys and values must be entered in their entirety. For example, entering the key sample and the value NA will not find objects corresponding to {"sample\_id": "NA12878"}
Any vs. All Queries
Some filters allow you to select multiple values. For example, the "Tag" filter allows you to specify multiple tags in the dialog. When you have selected multiple tags, you have a choice whether to search for objects containing any of the the selected tags or containing all of the selected tags.
Given the following set of objects:
Object 1 (tags: "human", "normal")
Object 2 (tags: "human", "tumor")
Object 3 (tags: "mouse", "tumor")
Selecting both "human" and "tumor" tags, and choosing to filter by any tag returns all 3 objects. Choosing to filter by all tags returns only Object 2.
Clearing All Filters
Click the "Clear All Filters" button on the filter bar to reset your filters.
Saving Filters
If you wish to save your filters, active filters are saved in the URL of the filtered page. You can bookmark this URL in your browser to return to your filtered view in the future.
Note that the bookmarked URL is a saved set of search parameters, not a saved set of search results. Every time you click on the bookmarked filters, those parameters are loaded into the filter bar. For example, if your saved filters includes a filter for items created in the last thirty days, each time you click that search it shows you items created in the last thirty days from the current point in time, not thirty days before the URL was created. Thus, as time goes by, you may notice slightly different results every time you click on a saved search.
Last updated
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