Mkfifo and dx cat

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This applet performs a SAMtools count on an input file while minimizing disk usage. For additional details on using FIFO (named pipes) special files, run the command man fifo in your shell.Warning: Named pipes require BOTH a stdin and stdout or they will block a process. In these examples, we place incomplete named pipes in background processes so the foreground script process does not block.

To approach this use case, let’s focus on what we want our applet to do:

  1. Stream the BAM file from the platform to a worker.

  2. As the BAM is streamed, count the number of reads present.

  3. Output the result into a file.

  4. Stream the result file to the platform.

Stream BAM file from the platform to a worker

First, we establish a named pipe on the worker. Then, we stream to stdin of the named pipe and download the file as a stream from the platform using dx cat.

First, we establish a named pipe on the worker. Then, we stream to stdin of the named pipe and download the file as a stream from the platform using dx cat.

  mkdir workspace
  mkfifo "${mappings_fifo_path}" # FIFO file is created
  dx cat "${mappings_bam}" > "${mappings_fifo_path}" &




BAM file



Output BAM file read count

Now that we have created our FIFO special file representing the streamed BAM, we can just call the samtools command as we normally would. The samtools command reading the BAM would provide our BAM FIFO file with a stdout. However, keep in mind that we want to stream the output back to the platform. We must create a named pipe representing our output file too.

  mkdir -p ./out/counts_txt/


  mkfifo "${counts_fifo_path}" # FIFO file is created, readcount.txt
  samtools view -c "${mappings_fifo_path}" > "${counts_fifo_path}" &




BAM file



output file



The directory structure created here (~/out/counts_txt) is required to use the dx-upload-all-outputs command in the next step. All files found in the path ~/out/<output name> will be uploaded to the corresponding <output name> specified in the dxapp.json.

The directory structure created here (~/out/counts_txt) is required to use the dx-upload-all-outputs command in the next step. All files found in the path ~/out/<output name> will be uploaded to the corresponding <output name> specified in the dxapp.json.

Stream the result file to the platform

Currently, we’ve established a stream from the platform, piped the stream into a samtools command, and finally outputting the results to another named pipe. However, our background process is still blocked since we lack a stdout for our output file. Luckily, creating an upload stream to the platform will resolve this.

We can upload as a stream to the platform using the commands dx-upload-all-outputs or dx upload -. Make sure to specify --buffer-size if needed.

We can upload as a stream to the platform using the commands dx-upload-all-outputs or dx upload -. Make sure to specify --buffer-size if needed.

  mkdir -p ./out/counts_txt/


  mkfifo "${counts_fifo_path}" # FIFO file is created, readcount.txt
  samtools view -c "${mappings_fifo_path}" > "${counts_fifo_path}" &




BAM file



output file



Note: Alternatively, dx upload - can upload directly from stdin. In this example, we would no longer need to have the directory structure required for dx-upload-all-outputs.Warning: When uploading a file that exists on disk, dx upload is aware of the file size and automatically handles any cloud service provider upload chunk requirements. When uploading as a stream, the file size is not automatically known and dx upload uses default parameters. While these parameters are fine for most use cases, you may need to specify upload part size with the --buffer-size option.

Wait for background processes

Now that our background processes are no longer blocking the rest of the applet’s execution, we simply wait in the foreground for those processes to finish.

  wait -n  # "$input_pid"
  wait -n  # "$process_pid"
  wait -n  # "$upload_pid"

Note: If we didn’t wait the app script would running in the foreground would finish and terminate the job! We wouldn’t want that.

How is the SAMtools dependency provided?

The SAMtools compiled binary is placed directly in the <applet dir>/resources directory. Any files found in the resources/ directory will be uploaded so that they will be present in the worker’s root directory. In our case:

├── Applet dir
│   ├── src
│   ├── dxapp.json
│   ├── resources
│       ├── usr
│           ├── bin
│               ├── < samtools binary >

When this applet is run on a worker, the resources/ folder will be placed in the worker’s root directory /:

├── usr
│   ├── bin
│       ├── < samtools binary >
├── home
│   ├── dnanexus

/usr/bin is part of the $PATH variable, so we can reference the samtools command directly in our script as samtools view -c ...

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