
Learn about creating and managing users via the DNAnexus Platform API.

Users can create their own DNAnexus user accounts by registering via the Platform signup page. For orgs covered by a license that enables account provisioning, org admins can create accounts for other users on behalf of the org.

There are two API methods for interacting with existing users, one for describing existing users, and one for updating your own account details and settings.

Username (Handle) vs. User ID

When a user account is created, the user supplies their desired username (also referred to as handle). To transform this username into a user object ID, the username is lowercased, and the string "user-" is prepended to it. The username can be obtained from the user ID with the /user-xxxx/describe method below.

API Method: /user-xxxx/describe


Describes the specified user. Note that the list of projects billed to the user is not the same as the list of projects the user has permissions to. To retrieve the latter, use /system/findProjects.

When /user-xxxx/describe is invoked by any user other than user-xxxx, or by a non full-scope token, only the ID, class, first, middle, last, and handle fields are returned.


  • defaultFields boolean (optional, default false if fields is supplied, true otherwise) whether to include the default set of fields in the output (the default fields are described in the "Outputs" section below). The selections are overridden by any fields explicitly named in fields

  • fields mapping (optional) include or exclude fields from the output. These selections override the settings in defaultFields

    • key Desired output field (see the "Outputs" section below for valid values)

    • value boolean Whether to include the field

The following options are deprecated (and will not be respected if fields is present):

  • appsInstalled boolean (optional, default false) Whether to return the list of apps the user has installed

  • orgs boolean (optional, default false) Whether to return the list of all organizations of which the user is a member

  • pendingTransfers boolean (optional, default false) If true, returns a list of project IDs which the user has been invited to be the billing account for


  • id string ID of the user (i.e. the string "user-xxxx")

The following fields are included by default (but can be disabled using$ fields or defaultFields):

  • class string The value "user"

  • first string The user's first name

  • last string The user's last name

  • middle string The user's middle initial or name (may be the empty string)

  • handle string The user's username (handle)

The rest of the keys are only present if the requesting user is the same as the user being described AND a full scope token is supplied.

The following fields are included by default (but can be disabled using fields or defaultFields):

  • createdBy mapping Contains information on how the account was created

    • user string The user who created the account; this is the same as id if the user signed up for an account themselves

    • org string (present if applicable) The organization ID on behalf of which the user indicated in createdBy.user created this user account

  • email string The user's e-mail address

  • billTo string The default value of billTo that will be used for all new projects created by this user

  • securityLevel string The user's security level, either "high" or "normal"

  • otpEnabled boolean Whether one time password-based multi-factor authentication is enabled on the user's account.

  • passwordExpiresAt timestamp (present if securityLevel is "high") Time at which the user's password will expire

  • phiFeaturesEnabled boolean Whether the user has protected health information (PHI) features enabled. Projects using PHI will be subject to additional restrictions to ensure security and compliance

  • policies mapping User preferences. For a description of each policy, see the the inputs of /user-xxxx/update. Returns all policies, even those that have not been set (and thus are at their default value).

  • sshPublicKey User's public key for use with SSH (or null if no key has been set via /user-xxxx/update).

  • sso boolean (optional, default undefined, treated as false) Present and set to true only if the user is an SSO (single sign-on) user.

  • samlIdentityProvider string (optional, present if sso is true) entityID of the SAML 2.0 identity provider used by this user.

  • pendingBillingInformation mapping or null A mapping containing billing information that will go into effect once the accounts payable contact agrees to and confirms the billing information, or null if there is no pending billing information

  • estSpendingLimitLeft number or null Estimated number of dollars left before new activities billed to the user are locked down; the value null indicates that there is no spending limit currently imposed on the account. Note that this value may also be negative to indicate that the user has exceeded the spending limit (it may continue to become more negative if jobs are still running or any projects with a nonzero amount of storage are still billed to the user).

  • computeCharges number Running total of compute charges (in dollars) for the account

  • storageCharges number Running total of storage charges (in dollars) for the account

  • storageChargesComputedAt timestamp Effective time at which storageCharges was computed

  • dataEgressCharges number Running total of data egress charges (in dollars) for the account

  • defaultRegion string The default region in which newly created projects billed to this user will reside (may be overriden at project creation time). For more information about regions, see Regions.

  • permittedRegions array of strings The regions in which this user is permitted to create projects. For more information about regions, see Regions.

If billing information has been confirmed for this billing account:

  • billingInformation mapping The confirmed contact information to which invoices will be sent

The following fields are only returned if the corresponding field in fields is set to true and billing information has been confirmed for this account:

  • pricingModelsByRegion mapping Contains information about the pricing models that are in effect for the user (applied to projects whose billTo is this user). The mapping has one entry for each region in the permittedRegions of the user:

    • key region, e.g. "aws:us-east-1"

    • value mapping the pricing model that is applied in this region

      • storageRatePerGBMonth number Storage rate (in dollars per GB-month) for ordinary (non-archival) storage in this region

      • computeRatesPerHour mapping Contains compute rates for each instance type the user is permitted to use in this region. For a list of available instance types, see: Instance Types

        • key Instance type name

        • value number Rate (in dollars per instance-hour)

      • ipRates mapping Rate for data leaving DNAnexus from this region to specific destination IP ranges (specified in CIDR notation). If an IP is in more than one specified range, the rate is given by the most specific matching IP range. The key "" will always exist and contain the default rate

        • key IP range (specified in CIDR notation)

        • value number Rate (in dollars per GB) leaving DNAnexus to that IP range

        The following field will be present only if the user has the phiFeaturesEnabled field set to true:

      • computeRatesPerHourPHI mapping Contains compute rates for each instance type the account is permitted to use in this region, applied only to projects that have the containsPHI flag set

        • key Instance type name

        • value number Rate (in dollars per instance-hour) for this instance type

The following fields are only returned if the corresponding field in fields is set to true:

  • appsInstalled mapping Lists installed apps

    • key App name

    • value boolean The value true

  • orgs array of strings List of IDs of organizations of which the user is a member

  • pendingTransfers array of strings List of project IDs which the user has been invited to be the billing account for


  • ResourceNotFound (the specified user does not exist)

  • InvalidInput (the input is not a hash, appsInstalled, orgs or pendingTransfers (if provided) is not a boolean)

API Method: /user-xxxx/update


Updates information about the specified user. Only the user themself has permission to invoke. The user's first, middle, and last names may be visible to other authenticated DNAnexus users.


  • first string The user's first name

  • last string The user's last name

  • middle string The user's middle initial or name (may be the empty string)

  • policies mapping (optional) User preferences to update

    • emailWhenJobComplete string (optional, default policy is "always") Indicates when email notifications are sent for successful and failed executions (e.g. jobs). Valid values:

      • "always": always email the user when an execution completes, whether it fails or succeeds

      • "failuresOnly": only email the user when an execution fails

      • "never": do not email the user about successful or failed executions

  • sshPublicKey string or null an SSH public key that will be used to authenticate the user for the purposes of SSHing into jobs. If the value is null, the public key is unset (removing the user's ability to log in to any subsequently created jobs).

  • billTo string (optional) ID of the default entity to which any costs associated with projects and apps created by the user will be billed; must be the ID of the user or an org in which the user is a member with allowBillableActivities permission

  • defaultRegion string (optional) The default region in which all newly created projects billed to this user will reside (may be overriden at project creation time). For more information about regions, see Regions.


  • id string ID of the updated user


  • ResourceNotFound (the specified user does not exist)

  • InvalidInput

    • The input is not a hash

    • first, last, or middle (if provided) is not a string

    • first or last is an empty string

    • sshPublicKey is not either a string or null

    • the keys and value of policies are invalid

    • defaultRegion is not among a user's permittedRegions

  • PermissionDenied

    • A full scope token belonging to the user that is to be updated is required

    • billTo must be either the ID of the requesting user or the ID of an org in which the requesting user is a member with allowBillableActivities permission

Last updated

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