
Learn about creating and managing virtual drives, mapped to resources on external storage services, via the DNAnexus API.

Drive API Method Specifications

API method: /drive/new


This API creates a new drive from the specified external storage service. Upon success, the requesting user will have permissions to perform tasks associated with the external storage.


  • name string name of the drive

  • cloud string ("azure" or "aws"): Drive cloud provider

  • credentials mapping credentials associated with the drive

    • key string credential field

    • value string credential value


  • id string id of the created drive


  • Unauthorized

    • Must supply authentication token

  • InvalidInput

    • The input is not a hash

    • name is not a nonempty string

    • cloud is not a string

    • credentials is not hash

    • credentials cannot access the given cloud environment

API method: /drive-xxxx/disable


This API disables a drive. The requesting user must have permissions to use the drive.


  • id string id of the disabled drive


  • Unauthorized

    • Must supply authentication token

  • ResourceNotFound

    • The entity drive-xxxx could not be found

API method: /drive-xxxx/update


Updates information about a drive. The requesting user must have permissions to use the drive.


  • name string (optional): New user specified name of drive

  • credentials mapping (optional): New credentials associated with the drive

    • key string credential field

    • value string credential value


  • id string ID of the updated drive


  • Unauthorized

    • Must supply authentication token

  • InvalidInput

    • The input is not a hash

    • name (if provided) is not a nonempty string

    • credentials (if provided) is not hash

    • credentials (if provided) cannot access given cloud environment

  • ResourceNotFound

    • The entity drive-xxxx could not be found

API method: /drive-xxxx/describe


  • Describes a drive.


  • fields mapping (optional): Include or exclude fields from the output.

    • key string Desired output field (see the "Outputs" section below for valid values)

    • value boolean Whether to include the field


  • id string ID of the drive

  • name string name of the drive

  • cloud string cloud provider of the drive

  • created timestamp time at which this object was created

  • modified timestamp time at which this object was last modified


  • Unauthorized

    • Must supply authentication token

  • InvalidInput

    • The input is not a hash

    • fields (if provided) is not hash

    • name (if provided) is not boolean

    • cloud (if provided) is not boolean

    • id (if provided) is not boolean

    • created (if provided) is not boolean

    • modified (if provided) is not boolean

  • ResourceNotFound

    • The entity drive-xxxx could not be found

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