Tools List
Public Tools
Annotation Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
snpeff_annotate | SnpEff | Annotation | |
snpsift_annotate | SnpSift | Annotation |
Data Transfer Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common uses |
aws_platform_to_s3_file_transfer | AWS S3 |
| |
aws_s3_to_platform_files | AWS S3 |
| |
sra_fastq_importer | Retrieve reads in FASTQ format from SRA |
DNAseq Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
oqfe | A revision of Functionally Equivalent | WGS, WES- alignment and duplicate marking | |
gatk4_bqsr_parallel | Variant calling | ||
bwa_mem_fastq_read_mapper | BWA-MEM | Short read alignment | |
gatk4_haplotypecaller_parallel | Variant calling, post-alignment QC | ||
gatk4_genotypegvcfs_single_sample_parallel | Variant calling | ||
picard_mark_duplicates | Variant Calling- remove duplicates, post-alignment | ||
strelka2_germline | Small variant calling, Germline, WGS, WES | ||
strelka2_somatic | Small variant calling, Somatic analysis |
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
regenie | REGENIE | GWAS | |
plink_gwas | PLINK2 |
| |
| |
saige_gwas_gbat |
| ||
saige_gwas_svat |
| ||
saige_gwas_grm |
| ||
saige_gwas_sparse_grm |
| ||
plink_pipeline | Plink2 | ||
plato_pipeline | Plato, Plink2 | ||
locuszoom | LocusZoom | GWAS, visualization |
File Transfer Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
url_fetcher | N/A | Fetches a file from a URL onto the DNAnexus platform |
Import Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
sra_fastq_importer | Retrieve reads in FASTQ format from SRA | ||
url_fetcher | N/A | Fetches a file from a URL onto the DNAnexus platform |
Interactive Analysis Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
cloud_workstation | N/A | SSH-accessible unix shell on a platform cloud worker. Use it for ad hoc analysis of platform data. | |
ttyd | N/A | Unix shell on a platform cloud worker in your browser. Use it for ad hoc CLI operations and to launch https apps on 2 extra ports |
Joint Genotyping Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
glnexus | GLnexus | This app can also be used to create pVCF without running joint genotyping |
Mapping Manipulation Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
picard_samtools_fasta_indexer | CreateSequenceDictionary command from the Picard suite of tools, samtools faidx from Samtools. | Read Mapping | |
picard_collect_multiple_metrics | QC- statistic metrics for mapped reads | ||
samtools_index | SAMtools- samtools index | Building bam index file | |
samtools_sort | SAMtools- samtools sort | Sort alignment result based on coordinates |
PheWAS Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
phesant | PHESANT | PheWAS |
PRS Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
prsice2 | PRSice-2 | Polygenic risk scores |
QC Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
multiqc | MultiQC | QC reporting | |
qualimap2_anlys | Qualimap2 | QC | |
rnaseqc | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | ||
rseqc_rna_bam_eval | RSeQC | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
fastqc | FastQC |
| |
jellyfish_and_genomescope | Jellyfish, GenomeScope | k-mer counting |
Quantification Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
rsem | RSEM | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
kallisto | Kallisto | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
salmon_quant | Salmon | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
salmon_mapping_quant | Salmon | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification |
Read Mapping Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
bowtie2_fasta_indexer | Bowtie 2: bowtie2-build | Building reference for Bowite2 alignment | |
bowtie2_fastq_read_mapper | bowtie2, samtools view, samtools sort, samtools index | Short read alignment | |
bwa_fasta_indexer | BWA- bwa index | Building reference for BWA alignment | |
minimap2_align_longread | minimap2, biobambam2 | Read Mapping of PacBio and ONT long reads | |
bwa_mem_fastq_read_mapper | BWA-MEM | Short read alignment | |
hisat2_index | Transcriptomics | ||
hisat2_mapper | Transcriptomics | ||
star_generate_genome_index | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) (--runMode genomeGenerate) | RNA Seq- indexing | |
star_mapping | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) | RNA Seq- mapping | |
subread_feature_counts | featureCounts | Read summarization, RNAseq | |
star_generate_genome_index | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) (--runMode genomeGenerate) | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
star_mapping | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
salmon_index_builder | Salmon | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
salmon_mapping_quant | Salmon | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification |
Read Manipulation Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
gatk4_bqsr_parallel | Variant calling | ||
flexbar_fastq_read_trimmer | QC | ||
trimmomatic | Read quality trimming, adapter trimming |
RNAseq Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
star_fusion_caller | RNA-Seq fusion calling | ||
gatk4_haplotypecaller_rnaseq | GATK best practice workflow for RNAseq short variant discovery (SNPs + Indels)(SplitNCigarReads, HaplotypeCaller, VariantFiltration) | RNA-seq variant calling, post-alignment QC | |
rnaseqc | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | ||
rseqc_rna_bam_eval | RSeQC | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
hisat2_index | Transcriptomics | ||
hisat2_mapper | Transcriptomics | ||
star_generate_genome_index | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) (--runMode genomeGenerate) | RNA Seq- indexing | |
star_mapping | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) | RNA Seq- mapping | |
subread_feature_counts | featureCounts | Read summarization, RNAseq | |
star_generate_genome_index | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) (--runMode genomeGenerate) | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
star_mapping | STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
salmon_index_builder | Salmon | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
salmon_mapping_quant | Salmon | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
kallisto_index_builder | Kallisto | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
rsem | RSEM | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
kallisto | Kallisto | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification | |
salmon_quant | Salmon | Transcriptomics Expression Quantification |
RNAseq Notebooks
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
Transcript_Expression_Part-02_Analysis-diff-exp_R.ipynb | DESeq2 | ||
Transcript_Expression_Part-03_Analysis-GSEA_R.ipynb | WebGestaltR | ||
Transcript_Expression_Part-04_Analysis-CoEx-Network_R.ipynb | WGCNA, topGO | ||
Transcript_Expression_Part-05_Analysis-Regulatory-Network_R.ipynb | GENIE3 |
RNAseq Global Workflows
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
transcriptomic_expression_quantification | FastQC, Trimmomatic, STAR, RSEM, Kallisto, Salmon, RNA-SeQC2, RSeQC, MultiQC |
Utility Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithm | Common Uses |
file_concatenator | N/A |
| |
gzip | gzip |
| |
swiss-army-knife | bcftools, bedtools, bgzip, plink, sambamba, samtools, seqtk, tabix, vcflib, Plato, QCTool, vcftools, plink2, Picard, REGENIE, BOLT-LMM, BGEN | Data processing tools | |
ttyd | N/A | Unix shell on a platform cloud worker in your browser. Use it for ad hoc CLI operations and to launch https apps on 2 extra ports |
Variant Calling Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
star_fusion_caller | RNA-Seq fusion calling | ||
gatk4_haplotypecaller_rnaseq | GATK best practice workflow for RNAseq short variant discovery (SNPs + Indels)(SplitNCigarReads, HaplotypeCaller, VariantFiltration) | RNA-seq variant calling, post-alignment QC | |
cnvkit_batch | Copy Number Variant | ||
deepvariant_germline | Variant calling | ||
parliament2 | Breakdancer, BreakSeq2, CNVnator, Delly, Lumpy, Manta, SVTyper, svviz, SURVIVOR | Structural variants | |
gatk4_haplotypecaller_parallel | Variant calling, post-alignment QC | ||
gatk4_genotypegvcfs_single_sample_parallel | Variant calling | ||
picard_mark_duplicates | Variant Calling- remove duplicates, post-alignment | ||
strelka2_germline | Small variant calling, Germline, WGS, WES | ||
strelka2_somatic | Small variant calling, Somatic analysis | ||
freebayes | Use for short variant calls | ||
gatk4_mutect2_variant_caller_and_filter | Somatic variant calling and post calling filtering | ||
gatk4_somatic_panel_of_normals_builder | Create a panel of normals (PoN) containing germline and artifactual sites for use with Mutect2. |
Visualization Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
locuszoom | LocusZoom | GWAS, visualization |
Titan Tools
A Titan license is required to access and use these tools. Please contact DNAnexus Sales for more information.
Statistics Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
dxjupyterlab | dxpy, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, papermill, scipy, seaborn , dxdata, cntk, keras,scikit-learn, tensorflow, torch | Running analyses, visualizing data, building and testing models and algorithms in an interactive way | |
dxjupyterlab | dxpy, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, papermill, scipy, seaborn, dxdata, BiocManager, coloc, epiR, hyprcoloc, incidence, MendelianRandomization, outbreaks, prevalence | Running analyses, visualizing data, building and testing models and algorithms in an interactive way | |
dxjupyterlab | dxpy, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, papermill, scipy, seaborn, dxdata, BiocManager, coloc, epiR, hyprcoloc, incidence, MendelianRandomization, outbreaks, prevalence, Stata, stata_kernel | Running analyses, visualizing data, building and testing models and algorithms in an interactive way, accessing and manipulating data in spark databases and tables | |
dxjupyterlab | dxpy, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, papermill, scipy, seaborn , dxdata, nipype, freesurfer, FSL | Running imaging processing related analysis |
Apollo Tools
An Apollo license is required to access and use these tools. Please contact DNAnexus Sales for more information.
Dataset Administration Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
data_model_loader_v2 | Dataset Creation | Dataset Creation | |
dataset-extender | Dataset Extension | Dataset Extension |
Dataset Management Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
csv-loader | N/A | Data Loading | |
spark-sql-runner | Spark SQL | Dynamic SQL Execution | |
table-exporter | N/A | Data Extraction |
Data Science Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
dxjupyterlab_spark_cluster | dxpy, hail, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, papermill, scipy, seaborn, dxdata, pyOpenSSL,, pypandoc, koalas, pyarrow, bokeh, vep, BiocManager, coloc, epiR, yprcoloc, incidence, MendelianRandomization, outbreaks, prevalence, sparklyr, Glow | Running analyses, visualizing data, building and testing models and algorithms in an interactive way | |
dxjupyterlab_spark_cluster | dxpy, hail, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, papermill, scipy, seaborn, dxdata, pyOpenSSL,, pypandoc, koalas, pyarrow, bokeh, vep, BiocManager, coloc, epiR, yprcoloc, incidence, MendelianRandomization, outbreaks, prevalence, sparklyr, HAIL | Running analyses, visualizing data, building and testing models and algorithms in an interactive way | |
dxjupyterlab_spark_cluster | dxpy, hail, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, papermill, scipy, seaborn, dxdata, pyOpenSSL,, pypandoc, koalas, pyarrow, bokeh, vep, BiocManager, coloc, epiR, yprcoloc, incidence, MendelianRandomization, outbreaks, prevalence, sparklyr, HAIL, Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor | Running analyses, visualizing data, building and testing models and algorithms in an interactive way |
Third Party Tools
Tools in this section are created and maintained by their respective vendors and may require separate licenses.
DNAseq Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
sentieon-tnseq | Sentieon's FASTQ to VCF somatic analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-bwa | Sentieon's FASTQ to BAM/CRAM pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
pbgermline | BWA-Mem Alignment, Co-ordinate Sorting, Picard MarkDuplicates, Base Quality Score Recalibration | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-tnbam | Sentieon's BAM to VCF somatic analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
pbdeepvariant | Deepvariant | Variant calling, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-umi | Sentieon's pre-processing and alignment pipeline for next-generation sequence | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-dnabam | Sentieon's BAM to VCF germline analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-joint_genotyping | Sentieon GVCFtyper | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-ccdg | Sentieon's FASTQ to CRAM pipeline, Functional Equivalent Pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-dnaseq | Sentieon's FASTQ to VCF germline analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis |
Joint Cohort Genotyping Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
sentieon-joint_genotyping | Sentieon GVCFtyper | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis |
Read Mapping Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
sentieon-tnseq | Sentieon's FASTQ to VCF somatic analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-bwa | Sentieon's FASTQ to BAM/CRAM pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
pbgermline | BWA-Mem Alignment, Co-ordinate Sorting, Picard MarkDuplicates, Base Quality Score Recalibration | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
pbdeepvariant | Deepvariant | Variant calling, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-umi | Sentieon's pre-processing and alignment pipeline for next-generation sequence | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-ccdg | Sentieon's FASTQ to CRAM pipeline, Functional Equivalent Pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-dnaseq | Sentieon's FASTQ to VCF germline analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis |
Variant Calling Apps
Name of Tool | Name in CLI | Scientific Algorithms | Common Uses |
sentieon-tnseq | Sentieon's FASTQ to VCF somatic analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis, somatic variant calling | |
pbgermline | BWA-Mem Alignment, Co-ordinate Sorting, Picard MarkDuplicates, Base Quality Score Recalibration | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-tnbam | Sentieon's BAM to VCF somatic analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis, somatic variant calling | |
sentieon-dnabam | Sentieon's BAM to VCF germline analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-joint_genotyping | Sentieon GVCFtyper | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-ccdg | Sentieon's FASTQ to CRAM pipeline, Functional Equivalent Pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
sentieon-dnaseq | Sentieon's FASTQ to VCF germline analysis pipeline | WGS, WES, accelerated analysis | |
pbmutectcaller | GPU accelerated version of Mutect2 and supports both tumor-only and tumor-normal variant calling |
Last updated