List View

Learn to build and use list views in the Cohort Browser.

The Cohort Browser is accessible to all users of the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform and the Our Future Health Trusted Research Environment.

For DNAnexus Platform users, an Apollo license is required to access the Cohort Browser. Contact DNAnexus Sales for more information.

When to Use List Views

List views can be used to visualize categorical data.

When creating a list view, note that:

  • The data must be from a field that contains either categorical or categorical multi-select data

  • This field must contain no more than 20 distinct category values

  • The values can be organized in a hierarchy

Supported Data Types

Using List Views to Visualize Hierarchically Organized Data

Note that list views, unlike row charts, can be used to visualize categorical data with values that are organized in a hierarchical fashion.

Using List Views to Visualize Data from Two Different Fields

List views can be used to visualize categorical data from two different fields. The same restrictions apply to the fields whose values are displayed, as when creating a simple list view.

Using List Views in the Cohort Browser

Visualizing Data from a Single Field

In a list view in the Cohort Browser showing data from one field, each row displays a value, along with the number of records in the current cohort - the "count" - that contain this value. Also shown is a figure labeled "freq." - this is the percentage of all cohort records, that contain the value.

Below is a sample list view showing the distribution of values in a field Episode type. Note that In the current cohort selection of 80 participants, 13 records contain the value "Delivery episode", which represents 16.25% of the current cohort size.

In some cases, not all records will have a value for the field in question. In this case, summing the "count" figures displayed will yield a figure smaller than the total cohort size, and summing the "freq." figures will not yield "100%." See Chart Totals and Missing Data for more information.

Visualizing Data from Two Fields

To visualize data from two fields, select a categorical field, then select "List View" as your visualization type. In the field list, select a second categorical field as a secondary field.

Below is the default view of a sample list view visualizing data from two fields: Critical care record origin and Critical care record format:

Critical care record origin is the primary field, Critical care record format is the secondary field.

Here, the user has clicked the ">" icon next to "Originating from Scotland" to display additional rows with detail on records that contain that value in the field Critical care record origin:

Each of these additional rows shows the number of records that contain a particular value for Critical care record format, along with the value "Originating from Scotland" for Critical care record origin.

In these additional rows, "count" and "freq." figures refer to records having a particular combination of values, in the fields in question.

Visualizing Complex Categorical Data

Below is an example of a list view used to visualize data in a categorical hierarchical field Home State/Province:

By default, only values in the category at the top level of the hierarchy are displayed.

Here, the user has clicked ">" next to one of these values, revealing additional rows that show how many records have the value "Canada" for the top-level category, in combination with different values in the category at the next level down:

In these additional rows, "count" and "freq." figures refer to records having a particular combination of values, in the fields in question. In the list view above, for example, a single record, representing 10% of the cohort, has both the value "Canada" for the top-level category, and "British Columbia" for the second-level category.

The following example shows how "count" and "freq." are calculated, for list views based on fields containing categorical data organized into multiple levels of hierarchy:

For the bottommost row, "count" and "freq" refer to records having all of the following values:

  • "Yes" for the category at the top of the hierarchy

  • "9" for the category at the second level of the hierarchy

  • "8" for the category at the third level of the hierarchy

  • "7" for the category at the fourth level of the hierarchy

  • "3" for the category at the bottom level of the hierarchy

Locating Values in a List View

In cases where the field has categories at multiple levels and this make it difficult to find a particular value, use the search box at the bottom of the list view, to hone in on a row or rows containing that value:

List Views in Cohort Compare

In Cohort Compare mode, a list view can be used to compare the distribution of values in a field that's common to both cohorts. In this scenario, the list includes a color-coded column for each cohort, as well as color-coded "count" figures for each, as in this example:

Note that in each column, count and "freq." figures refer to the occurrence of values in the individual cohort, not across both cohorts.

Preparing Data for Visualization in List Views

When ingesting data using Data Model Loader, note that the following data types can be visualized in list views:

  • String Categorical

  • String Categorical Hierarchical

  • String Categorical Multi-Select

  • String Categorical Multi-Select Hierarchical

  • String Categorical Sparse

  • String Categorical Sparse Hierarchical

  • Integer Categorical

  • Integer Categorical Hierarchical

  • Integer Categorical Multi-Select

  • Integer Categorical Multi-Select Hierarchical

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